4 Ways To Elevate Your Marketing & Sales Energetics To Book More Discovery Calls 

Written by: Selina Feng • March 20, 2023

Image Source: https://unsplash.com/@magnetme

What if the missing ingredient for you to book more discovery calls and convert paid clients has less to do with strategies and more to do with your energetic state?  

How you do something (energetic state) is more important than what you do (strategies).

This is even more true if you’ve been in business for over 1-2 years, receive referrals here and there, yet still find yourself jumping from this strategy to the next—unable to build momentum in growing your business to the level you desire.

Whether that may be consistent $5k-$10k months or surpassing the six figures mark.

The answer you’re searching for may not lie in finding the perfect strategies for your business... 

Instead, it resides somewhere much deeper.

Through working intimately with my clients in the last two years and observing my own energetic patterning, I’ve realized the work all starts from within. When we get clear from the internal state, we then integrate the strategies in and around the external state.

In fact, these internal energetic blocks tend to repeat themselves over and over again for those looking to grow to six figures in their business.

In this article, I’ll share the four most common energetic blocks I’ve witnessed in myself (and from my clients over the years) plus a simple exercise for each block you can implement.

Doing so will fundamentally change how you book your discovery calls and convert dream clients. It’s an absolute game-changer, so let’s waste no more time and dive straight in…

1. Money Energetics: The more you embrace the act of spending money on the things you DESIRE, the more money you will attract from your dream clients.

Think about the last big revenue month you had in your business…

Did it coincide soon after making a big money purchase for yourself (either in your life or business)? Chances are that’s the case. Because through the act of spending that money, it’s almost as if we’re communicating to our higher self that:

  • Yes, I trust myself.

  • I know that this money investment is going to be worth every single penny.

  • And I know I will receive ten-fold of it back.

The way you feel about spending money is probably the biggest indication of why clients aren’t booking calls with you (or why you often get money objections).

Think about how you feel when you’re spending money and assess what thoughts come up for you when big purchases come up… 

You’ll soon start to see how this block may be showing up in your business too.

The way to start clearing this energetic block doesn’t mean you immediately go out and spend $10k-$20k on a nice vacation, invest in a new program, or hire a new team member, either…

You can build gradual shifts from the typical spending you already do in your day-to-day.

Exercise: The next time you visit your favorite coffee shop or local restaurant, how about adding an extra $10 dollar tip to your barista or waiter/waitress? 

Think about how good it feels to embrace the act of spending money on people that provide services to you, even if it’s a small amount, to begin with. 

2. Asking Energetics: The more willing you are to ask for support and guidance, the more your dream clients will come to you for help.

Picture this for one second…

Introverted, high-achiever, slightly stubborn, and self-sufficient to a fault, I would rather figure it out first than ask others for help…

Do you feel like this description resonates a lot with you as an entrepreneur?

Chances are you and I are very much alike: as a fellow Capricorn Sun and Taurus Rising (for my astrology friends).

Asking for help is not something that comes easily to us.

Now, how do you see this affecting your business, sales, and clients that may be needing your support but feel resistant to booking a discovery call with you? 

Our business results are a projection of what we energetically reciprocate to the world. 

It’s how I define energetics in the most simple way in a business setting.

The more I asked for help in my life, the more clients came to me for help.

If the energy you’re projecting is that you hate asking for help, the people around you will reciprocate the same energy.

Because you don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are.  

Your energetics is something that shows up in all areas of your life.

Now if you know deep down, this resistant energy in asking for help hasn’t served you well in business, maybe that could change starting today.

Exercise: In the next 24 hours, think about something in your life (or business) that’s been bugging you and that you’re wanting some support in. 

Write it down and reach out to either a friend, family member, team member, or current coach, and get the help you crave. 

You don’t have to do this alone. Let yourself soak in this energy of openness and receiving; see how good it feels to ask and receive the help you’re been wanting.

Bonus Exercise: use this as a content idea and share this experience with your community!

3. Show Off Energetics: The more you allow yourself to show off (even if you feel like you’re annoying at times), the more your dream clients will feel inspired and drawn to your services.

When you think of someone who’s a show-off…. What thoughts and feelings come up for you?

Do you feel a sense of excitement or do you feel a level of cringiness and judgment?

The way you feel about “being a showoff” is most likely the reason why your marketing hasn’t converted as well as you hoped.

The more you can embrace being a showoff and release the negative energy you have around what that means, the more clients you’ll attract to your services.

Because at the end of the day, would you rather pay someone who shows off too much or someone who’s afraid to show off?

Being annoying sells–even if it can make our inner child feel scared initially.
You will be safe, I promise.  

Exercise: Go find a quiet spot in your room (or in nature) and journal three reasons why your services are so amazing. Follow your heart with this. 

Then email your community (or share this to your social media page) and start showing off! 

Feel free to add a discovery call invitation or pitch at the end to own this energy fully.

4. Authenticity Energetics: The more you accept your voice won’t be liked by everyone, the more your dream clients will resonate with you.

If you were to think about the services or coaching packages you offer, there’s probably something similar out there for your ideal clients to choose from.

So what makes someone buy from you instead of the other shiny competitor?

Pricing? Offer structure? Bonuses that you offer?

Probably not any of that!

It comes down to how you embrace your voice, beliefs, and values.

By accepting this, you naturally attract those that could fall in love with your brand and also those that might want to criticize you.

That is why the fastest way to unblock this authenticity energetics is learning to see the dark side first.

  • Yes, there will be haters.

  • Yes, there will be people that might mute my content.

  • Yes, I know I may trigger others if I speak up. 

  • And accepting all of that is totally fine.

  • I’m still safe.

When we embrace the dark side of these energetic blocks, we allow room for light to come in.

Your dream clients are attracted to you because of what you stand for, not for how you make your messaging more likable to everyone else.

Exercise: Look back at the last piece of content or email you shared with your community… On a scale of 1 to 10 (in terms of authenticity) how would you rate that piece of content? 

If less than 5, journal the main reasons why that is the case; make notes of how you can gradually incorporate more of your own flavor into your content going forward. 

Your flavor is what will attract your dream clients to book a discovery call from you because deep down they admire your sense of confidence and self-trust. 

Conclusions & Next Steps…

Now you’re starting to shift these internal energetic blocks, how do you ensure the external strategies you use result in you booking more discovery calls (and signing more clients)?

Oftentimes, our lowest revenue months—or the months where we have the least amount of booked discovery calls—correlate with the kind of thoughts and feelings we tell ourselves.

If you can learn to shift these stories from the inside, imagine how much easier it would feel for you to sign the clients you want, book the discovery calls, and grow your business.

But that’s just one layer to all this…

If you’re clear on your internal blocks, yet lack clarity in converting a lead to a booked call or paid client, there’s actually a simple strategy you can use.

What’s required? No website, no fancy plug-ins, and no funnels!

All you need is your phone because everything can take place in the DMs. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the strategic elements to book more discovery calls and sign more paid clients: I have a DM conversion script that details everything.

Inside this guide, I share my non-sleazy and non-pushy client conversion process (including exact questions that you can plug and play) that’s helped me generate over six figures in my coaching business with 90% coming from 1:1 client sales. 

The fun part is…you integrate both the energetics (internal work) and strategies (external work).

Because to grow a business to six figures and beyond, you absolutely need both.

See you on the other side :)


About the Author


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Rachel Davis Humphries

Since 2016, I’ve provided elevated brand and web design for small businesses and entrepreneurs from my studio here in Charlotte, North Carolina. My mission is to breathe new life into your brand using my years of experience and intimate knowledge of the online service space, and then to empower you with the tools and knowledge you need to quickly, easily, and affordably maintain it as your business continues to grow.


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